
Back Pain, Back Pain, Back Pain

To say this back pain has become a pain in my ass would be more accurate. Today I went and had the second of the three shots to hopefully correct my problem. I am hoping this one does a little bit more than the first shot. All the first shot did was add a little bit more discomfort for a few days and then went back to normal.

I have talked to a few people who have had the same procedure done, they all said the first shot did a little, the second shot did a lot and the third shot fixed the problem completely. Even though I knew the first one wouldn't get rid of all of the pain, I have been pretty depressed the past week. I was hoping it would have done a bit more. The whole time I kept thinking I am going to fall into that 25% category of people that this doesn't work for. Of course, the fact that my job really sucks right now and will suck for another 2 weeks, that doesn't help either. So when I got my shot today, the doctor reassured me that I should feel better after this shot works and the third shot will do even more. So I am keeping my head up and hoping for the best. I think tonight, now that I have had to rest all day after the shot, I am going to head to the mall and buy me a piece of Ivory Fiesta. That will definitely help improve my mood!