
Amazing video Grace

Boy George is getting ready to release a new single, Amazing Grace, which is simply AMAZING! This song/video are stunning in their graphics and melody.

Amazing Grace Boy George ft Ana Lains
Click the link to see the video. The video cannot be embedded currently.

it was just another ordinary day,
how could you know your life was going to change,
forget about tomorrow,
don't be a slave to time,
because life is in the moment

I remember the first time I heard Culture Club and Boy George. I was in 10th grade, and my geometry teacher (who was a great guy) couldn't believe they would let a guy who dressed like that on television. All I can say is, thank God we have changed that much! Boy George is an amazing song writer/singer. While his post-Culture Club music hasn't been the most "top of the charts", the music has such emotion and feeling. He is a very gifted story teller.