
Make Your Own Obama Inauguration Kit

Here are some things you can be doing today during the commercial breaks or the downtimes of the inaugural events. Please note, I was having problems getting on to some of these websites today. With all of the events going on, I bet these sites are very popular.

Obama Quotes
Fill in a few words and have your own instant Obama quotes.

Make your own Obama inauguration speech
Once again, fill in some key words and have your own instant Obama Inaugural Speech.

Obama Comics
Create your own Obama comics.

Obama Logo
Using your own images, you can put that image in the middle of the Obama logo.

Obama Poster

Click on any of them to enlarge.
I tried this but it didn't turn out very well. It definitely takes the right type of picture for this to work. But you use your own image to make your version of the Shepard Fairey poster made for the Obama campaign.