I have never seen the play
Doubt, which is the Pulitzer Prize-winning John Patrick Shanley play Doubt, which centers around a priest at St. Nicholas Church School in the Bronx who is accused by the school's head nun, Sister Aloysius, of molesting a young boy. Sister Aloysius goes on a one-woman crusade to expel the priest from teaching, even though she has no evidence — only suspicions — that he has misbehaved. Now the film version of doubt is nearing its release, with Meryl Streep as Sister Aloysius and Philip Seymour Hoffman as Father Flynn. I can't wait for this to be released.
I'm also anxiously awaiting this movie. Hoffman and Streep—how can you go wrong?! I'm wondering if it will be up for Best Picture at the Academy Awards. I'll have to watch for food in it, because we run a little Oscar contest in which people are asked to match the food to the Best Picture–nominated movies.
It looks like an awesome movie and of course you can't go wrong with Hoffman and Streep. It would be interesting if they had any food in it.
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