Tuesday is Election Day. I can't remember a more important election than this one (I might say that each time though!) Not only do we need to elect a new president to bring CHANGE and HOPE to this great country. We also need to voice our opinions of the past 8 years. Also, three states, California, Arizona and Florida have an equally important item to vote on. All three states are trying to pass amendments to ban gay marriages. I have been as non-political as possible up until this election. I have never been an activist. I have never been out there pushing any kind of agenda on anybody. I have always lived by the policy of let others do as they wish, because as long as it isn't bothering me then they are fine. But the push by the Religious Right has gone to far. This is by far one of the best ads I have seen so far for the No on Prop 8 campaign. And honestly, why has the Mormon church spent over $20 million to tell others on how to live their lives? That is $20 million to deny rights to Americans! $20 million to put their nose into something that has nothing to do with them. And what exactly is next??? What is the Mormon church going to tell us to do next time? I'm sorry, if you vote yes on this, you are voting for Religion to tell the government what to do. This issue has nothing to do with religion, it is a basic issue of basic rights being offered to EVERYBODY! So instead of spending $20 million to alienate a percentage of the USA, why not spend $20 million on something worthwhile and helpful for their fellow americans! Love knows no boundaries, it doesn't matter if you are gay or straight, love is universal!
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